October 18

Shifting the Role of the Media Specialist

Thank you to guest blogger Tina Wheeler (@tinatwheeler)!  It takes LEADERSHIP to say you want to shift your role into more classroom instruction!

Shifting the role of the media specialist was the main focus at this week’s teacher academy. In attempt to always do what is best for kids, I am excited about becoming more of a collaborator and coach than just the keeper of the books and the finder of information.  I discussed with the teachers the idea of what this new position will look like. Media Specialist are one of the most under utilized people in the building. We are changing that here at Winterboro. After going through my new vision, the teachers came up with their own ways as to how I can become more plugged in to their classrooms. In our brief sit down session, I gained a lot of insight on ideas and ways that I can better serve the students and teachers. From conducting small group sessions to book talks to finding resources on DiscoveryEd, I believe we are about to see a transformation in our little rock school, and I am excited to be a part of it.