July 8

Google Certification

 Having just completed my Google Certified Educator Training, I wanted to take a second and reflect on my experience passing the first level. I cannot give away the contents of the quiz, but what I can discuss is my experience throughout the process. I consider myself an avid Google User and Educator. The certification took some time, just under two hours, but it was well worth it. It was validating that many of the questions I knew, and there were tons of morsels of information that I picked up along the way to enhance my google experience moving forward.


As a principal, the learning and validation were invaluable. The productivity reminders and lessons will truly enhance my work time at school, but to be in the role as a teacher and educator through the training helped me to refresh the Google Experience that my teachers experience in the classroom on a daily basis. It is important that administrators are always learning and growing.


If you teach at my school, let me know if you want to complete this to become a Google Certified Educator. I have a discount code that makes the certification only $5!